Council Administrator

Health and wellbeing workshops

One Slough have set up 2 virtual workshops to support people that live or work in Slough. Title – “Looking after your mental health and emotional wellbeing” 12-12.45pm Thursday 12th November...

COVID Dashboard

The new COVID dashboard for Berkshire is now live. You are able to keep track of coronavirus infection rates and deaths. . Berkshire is the only county in...

The Slough Start-Up Programme

This programme helps our community turn a great idea, passion or skill into a viable business opportunity by providing them with the resources needed to achieve this. You may need funding for...

Community Champions #OneSlough

COVID-19, and the measures taken in response, continue to impact all of us in Slough. Factual information shared widely can help everyone to stay safe and keep their families safe and we want to help...

Textile Recycling

The Wexham Court Parish Council now has its very own clothes bank which is situated on the grass verge within the car park. The following items can be deposited: Men's wear Women's...