After requesting Slough Borough Council to plant more trees, they are now in the process of creating an urban forest within Wexham Court Parish. In the coming months we will see over 9,000 trees planted across the whole of the borough and the main objects of the project will be to improve air quality and carbon capture, provide education and training opportunities, and increase biodiversity in your area.
The project started last year and you may have noticed new plantations in Harvey Park, Farnham Lane, Faraday Recreation Ground, Scafell Park, and Godolphin Rec. This year will see a further 26 sites completed and further planting as a part of the Urban Forest in your area.
The Urban Forest is so much more than just trees, and will provide excellent educational opportunities for Slough’s children and young people, through our Digital Forest initiative. There will be environmental sensors among the trees to measure the health of the forest, and this information will be part of an open source online database which can be used by schools as live data for environmental lessons. This data will also become a resource for some leading digital artists and local young artists in Slough.
According to the results from the 2018 Place Survey, Slough residents identified ‘Parks and Open Spaces’ as the 7th most important factor in making somewhere a good place to live with 24% or respondents including it as their most important factor. And ‘Access to Nature’ was identified as the 10th most important. When asked how the council could improve areas, residents asked for more planting of trees and areas to be greener.