
ESFA Community Training Grants – Funding Opportunity

Funding remains available for the ESFA Community Training Grants programme in the Thames Valley Berkshire LEP. The programme aims to support projects which will move unemployed and economically inactive people closer to the labour market, and can support a very diverse range of activities (both formal and informal training). We have recently updated our application form, simplifying it and making it easier to apply. The payment structure of the grant has also been changed, with organisations receiving a greater proportion as an upfront payment.

We would welcome your support in sharing information about the programme within your networks. A promotion pack that explains the programme and its aims in more detail is attached. Included in this pack is an email template which you can use to share information with organisations you think may be interested, or other networks you think it would be valuable to share with.

The next application deadline is 21 June 2021. If an application is submitted by 14th June 2021, we will be able to provide feedback to strengthen the application before the final deadline.

ESFA Community Training Grants Team

Groundwork London

12-20 Baron Street, N1 9LL

Direct Dial: 020 7239 1286

Switchboard: 020 7278 1514

Mobile: 07716 992131

Mobile: 07716 992158