Community Champions #OneSlough
COVID-19, and the measures taken in response, continue to impact all of us in Slough. Factual information shared widely can help everyone to stay safe and keep their families safe and we want to help...
Textile Recycling
The Wexham Court Parish Council now has its very own clothes bank which is situated on the grass verge within the car park. The following items can be deposited: Men's wear Women's...
Tribute to Cllr Ken Wright
WCPC Cllr Ken Wright death...
Tribute to Cllr Shabnum Sadiq
Slough Borough Cllr Shabnum Sadiq death...
Slough Council will go ahead with court proceedings in relation to land north of Norway Drive
Resignation by parish councillors
Article by Slough...
Councils in dispute over housing land
Article by Slough...
2019 Wexham Court Parish Council Election Results
Wexham Court Parish Council Results...
Decision to get rid of parish council ‘quashed’
High Court...