Listen to important Covid 19 messages from our local Slough GPs. Slough is still currently a Covid Tier 3 - Very High Alert area and we still need to...
Slough Spatial Strategy Consultation
Slough Borough Council is consulting people about the proposed Spatial Strategy which is part of the Local Plan for Slough and would like your views about where developments should go in...
Employability Courses
Links2Work are currently delivering employability provision within Slough and Reading to support unemployed people. Recently, we have been working very closely with Slough Job Centre in delivering...
The #OneSlough Community Champion Scheme
Tier 3 After Lockdown New coronavirus restrictions – The national lockdown finishes on December 2nd. Following the end of lockdown, Slough will enter into coronavirus Tier...
FREE English classes and conversation clubs for residents in Slough who are new to ESOL
ENGLISH COURSES The courses are for residents who: - have little or no English skills - are not working - are over 19 years of age - are not eligible on our Community Learning courses or need...
Urban Forest for The Cherries and Wexham Road
After requesting Slough Borough Council to plant more trees, they are now in the process of creating an urban forest within Wexham Court Parish. In the coming months we will see over 9,000 trees...
Health and wellbeing workshops
One Slough have set up 2 virtual workshops to support people that live or work in Slough. Title – “Looking after your mental health and emotional wellbeing” 12-12.45pm Thursday 12th November...
COVID Dashboard
The new COVID dashboard for Berkshire is now live. You are able to keep track of coronavirus infection rates and deaths. . Berkshire is the only county in...
The Slough Start-Up Programme
This programme helps our community turn a great idea, passion or skill into a viable business opportunity by providing them with the resources needed to achieve this. You may need funding for...
Low Carbon Workspaces Grant scheme
LCW Digital Flyer 2020 Overview of the Low Carbon Workspaces grant scheme The scheme is live and currently accepting and processing applications from SMEs in Berkshire. The Low Carbon...