
Budget 2025/26

Yesterday the Wexham Court Parish Council approved the budget for the 2025/26 financial year. The WCPC unanimously resolved and approved that we would request Slough Borough Council to levy a precept charge of £77 per annum, per property at Band D for the municipal year of 2025-2026.

Parish Councils, irrespective of their size, have a statutory duty to prepare an annual budget. The budget is one of the most important annual tasks that the council must undertake and is required as part of the ‘proper practices’ set out in the Joint Panel on Accountability and Governance Practitioners Guide.

When setting the precept the council, considers various factors:

  • Current spending levels for ongoing services or new services
  • Costs for any additional spending or projects
  • Provision for contingencies and reserves
  • Anticipated income from services it offers

The precept request is £107,775 for 25/26.  We can confirm this increase as a whole equates to 152% on a Band D property. To understand this a little better, this is the equivalent of £3.92 per month on a Band D property.